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Whether it’s managing and expanding your business or dealing with everyday challenges, Leading Business Solutions, Inc. offers those tailored-to-your company solutions that give you “Peace of Mind, All The Time.”

As a company with many years of experience and knowledge, Leading Business Solutions, Inc. is uniquely qualified to assist you in discussing small business fundamentals, choosing the right type of entity to operate your business, developing business concepts and strategies, managing and improving cash flow, developing tax strategies, or selecting accounting “best practices.”

We make every effort to thoroughly analyze each and every situation, providing guidance in areas as diverse as E-Commerce, banking and financing, budgeting for profit planning and control, interim CEO and CFO staffing services, business valuations and succession planning, or {and} assistance with developing LLC Membership and Operating Agreements.

Retirement planning on all levels, whether you’re a one-employee shop or a multi-layered firm, is at your fingertips with Leading Business Solutions, Inc. This relevance today is approached from two levels. We can assist both the individual and company in choosing the appropriate retirement plan. And we can assist the company in implementing its choice of plan so that it runs smoothly, providing the participants with full access, assisting the owners to control their PENSION PLAN FIDUCIARY RISK and LIABILITY with “Best Practices,” and assisting owners to ensure that the plans are compliant with any ERISA requirements.

If you are thinking of taking your business “public” someday, we can help you develop the transition strategy today for tomorrow’s results.

As a full-service business, accounting and financial services company, we can provide many levels of assistance to you and your company. Our Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisors and Certified Public Accountants are here to help you select the correct level of service from a broad menu of items. Depending on how involved you choose to be in your accounting system, Leading Business Solutions, Inc. can accommodate your needs. From those who prefer to have Leading Business Solutions, Inc. directly provide their “back-office” accounting to those who see themselves operating their own system, our Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors and Certified Public Accountants can assure you of the best solution for your business. And once you select the appropriate service level, we are here with support and training to ensure its successful implementation.

Whatever course of action you take, whatever level of guidance you choose, you can rest assured that our services are fairly priced, using our up-front, “fixed fee” approach, taking the stress and uncertainty out of our relationship. We take the “mumbo jumbo” out of accounting- speak and adhere to the policy of no “hocus pocus” billing tricks. This approach ensures that the services provided are the services needed and agreed upon. We know that you want to preserve your assets and enhance your entrepreneurial efforts, and we have the practical answers to the details that may seem so overwhelming.

Let Leading Business Solutions, Inc. help your company get on track with smooth-functioning efficiency. Together let’s make a difference in your bottom line. LeadingBusiness Solutions, Inc. is “Peace of Mind, All the Time!”

Please, feel free to browse our website to see the services we offer as well as the many helpful resources we provide. When you are ready to learn more about what we can do for you, we encourage you to contact us.